On January 8th, 2022, Metrohouse Real Estate Services & Trading Joint Stock Company held Year End Party 2022. A party night with the participation of the Board of Directors, along with the entire staff of the Company. This is an opportunity for the entire company to sit down, look at the past year, summarize what has been achieved and look forward to the goals for 2023. After the year-end report, the entire company raised a glass to congratulate the new year, grateful to the colleagues who have accompanied each other during the past journey. Everyone raised a glass to celebrate the good achievements achieved, wishing the business more and more prosperous development. Fun games and lucky prizes for the company's employees.

2023 is a year with great changes and fluctuations in economy, politics - society at home and abroad, it will certainly be a big challenge for any business. However, with the qualities, capacity and will of the company's leaders and employees, with your support, Metrohouse will certainly be strong and steady on the path of development.
On the occasion of the new year 2023, Metrohouse would like to sincerely thank all levels of management, employees for their efforts and dedication in 2022 and customers and partners for their trust, support, cooperation and companion with Metrohouse. Wishing all our customers, partners and all Metrohouse employees and their families good health, happiness and prosperity!